SEPHA Partnership May Meeting

By PathWays PA (other events)

Thursday, May 24 2018 8:30 AM 10:00 AM EDT

This meeting will be a working meeting that will help to set the path for the partnership for the upcoming year.  We will have a guest facilitator Vic Lim from Lim Norris Consulting Group.  During the course of the meeting we will be breaking everyone up into three working groups:

Addressing Recruitment of Current Workforce:  This action team will work to develop strategies to more effectively fill open positions across the industry.  This group will be focused on the following areas—strengthening relationships with the workforce development boards to better assess potential candidates being referred from the PA CareerLinks; developing strategies to more effectively and efficiently recruit and on-board candidates in the current job market; and exploring ways that employer partners can work together to recruit.

Addressing Incumbent Workers:  This action team will focus on strategies that can be implemented across the industry to promote the retention of staff.  This group will focus on the following areas—developing strategies to help incoming workers boost soft skills; developing resources to support current workers (developing relationships with alternative transportation organizations, exploring off-hour childcare options, etc.); developing strategies to help workers understand potential career pathways; and developing retention strategies that can be implemented internally to promote retention.

Addressing the Future Workforce:  This action team will work to address the impending hiring crisis—as the demand for staff continues to increase and the number of available workers continues to decrease.  How will the industry access the limited pool of personnel?  This group will focus on the following areas—engaging high school students to encourage them to pursue non-degree positions (and nursing) in healthcare; strategies to make people more aware of non-degree positions in the industry; strategies to recruit individuals into non-traditional industry positons (food service, housekeeping, etc.).